I'm currently writing this on Mari's laptop at the island close to grandpa's. I've eaten lots of cookies and rye-snacks and pulla and bread and and and and.. today. We had those new raspberry milkshake Domino- cookies with us, but I ate the last one a moment ago. They're probably full of yummy artificial colorants cause they are quite pink: (picture coming later)
I swam to the island with Maggie while Erkki and Maija took the rowboat. Mari came later, Erkki went to get her from the shore. We're leaving soon I guess to make dinner - honey marinated chicken and hmm potatoes maybe or something. I'm not hungy at all though. Later Mari and I are gonna bake blueberry pie and kanttarelli pie (or quiche as Siim insist salty pies should be called). Mari's on my left, reading Emergency by Neil Strauss in the camping hammock.
(picture later)
Today we went blueberry hunting. First it was only gonna be me, Mari and Maija but then Maggie decided to join, and a bit later Erkki came as well. There weren't many near where grandpa's house is, so we went a bit further down the road and deeper into the forest, where we found plenty of beautiful big juicy blueberries.
I managed to fill a small bucket with the blueberries without leaving a space roughly only 20m^2 big.
Siim is having a poker tournament today at some point in the evening.
Siim dropped third. Awwwwwwwww
lauantai 8. elokuuta 2009
perjantai 7. elokuuta 2009
It's getting hot in here, so take of all your socks (but I can't)
Lately I've been reading this book called "A Perfect Mess - The Hidden Benefits of Disorder" (by Eric Abrahamson and David H. Freedman), and I'm beginning to notice a change in my behaviour. The dinner table (if you can call it that..) is full of clutter - the tablecloth is anything but straight, and on it are two laptops (including this one), three magazines, a copy of lord of the rings, a rather large radio, two kinds of watercolour palets, watercolour pencils, oil crayons, scissors, pens, cellphones, two coffee cups, a glass, Maija's sheets of paper... chocolate, my passport.. a hairbrush... and so on. And it doesn't bother me. I don't feel any sort of huge urge to clear this all up. I just don't care. And nothing bad is happening, even though the table isn't neat. It's a really nice feeling in fact - to not have to bother about all the mess.
Erkki and Maggie are leaving on Sunday to Helsinki, and from there they're going through Denmark to ehh.. somewhere. And eventually they're going back to Laguna Beach. We're supposed to go visit them next summer in CA. That would be quite cool. Pretty much only problem for me is that I'd kinda not like to be apart from Siim that much - if we were to go there, it wouldn't make sense to go unless we were staying for a couple of weeks, cause the flight is really quite expensive. Three weeks atleast. Mari and Maija would probably prefer to be there a month atleast. And yeah I know - I should get used to not being with Siim all the time, and besides there's msn and webcam. And besides - it's a whole year away still, so I shouldn't stress about it yet.
Dune - Heat !!! WOOOO
I don't know if this "blog" of mine can even be considered a proper blog - I think it's rather like a internet diary, because I won't necissarily adress lots of recent issues in the news or anything like that.
Oh yeah, the boat trip. I was supposed to write about that. Anyway - the same day the lawyer came here, Erkki and Maggie were gonna go on an overnight boat trip with Erkki's cousin Timo, and they asked if we wanted to come. Mari said no, I said yes, and Maija kinda was at work and was gonna be the next day as well - so she wasn't asked. Anyway, the first thing we did was to go to Urheilu Koskimies, a store that sells all kinds of sports related equipment. Erkki bought a tent which cost only 59e (Mari's gonna take it to Belgium cause it's a 3-person tent, and they're gonna use it at Pukkelpop [where I can't come. grr.], two inflatable sleeping matresses and a camping hammock. We drove to Joutseno (about 30 mins from Lappeenranta) where Timo's boat was. In addition to us three, there was Timo's fiancée, Timo's friend and his two kids - a little boy and an even littler girl (ages maybe liek 10 and 8). The boat ride took about 3 hours, during which I ate lots and lots and lots of pringles, pretty much drank a whole Pommac light- soda bottle (1,5 L), ate loads of cookies and tried but most of the time failed to read my book. It was a very cold day, not very good for chilling on the dock. Anyway, we got to this island - actually a strip of islands separated just by very shallow water - you could walk from island to another without getting your shorts wet.
Hehe I put on my corset now, it's under my shirt - i'm gonna go shopping like this.
Well I took it off now cause its too hot today. I'd die.
The island. It was really nice. When we came there me, Erkki and Maggie put up the tent and Erkki and Maggie blew air into the mattresses. We put our sheets and sleeping bags into place cause it was better to do it before dark. There were lots of other people, lots of boats, there as well. I think we were the only ones sleeping in a tent, cause everyone else just slept in their boats (atleast in the side of the island we were at). The tent was really super easy to assemble and it's pretty much perfect in every other way as well.
Taylor Swift - Love Story !!! You'll be the prince, and i'll be the princess, it's a love story baby just SAY YES
I walked around the island, took me about an hour. It was almost dark already. Everyone else went to the sauna, I called Mari who'd tried to call me 10 times and sent a message that went pretty much like "Fuck fuck fuck did you fucking take the fucking iPod im fucking fat im not going to walk without iPod fuck". I hadn't taken the iPod. I also called Siim to say good night. Then I went to sauna - and it was the best sauna I've ever been to. The air changd really well in there and there was enough space for 8 people to sit at the highest "bench" and it was nicely hot enough and throwing löyly didn't make you suffocate. It was just awesome. The water too was amazing. In contrast to Lappajärvi, you could actually swim when you got a few metres from the quay. The water was lovely - clean, cool and calm (no waves).
I'll post pictures later, cause I gotta go shopping now.
Gossip Girl
serious gossip ain't it
Oh, if you were wondering about the heading, it's cause I gotta keep socks on because my feet are full of lotion cause they're so frustratingly dry. I'd get the floors all greasy if I didn't wear socks. And it's a hot day. So.
Erkki and Maggie are leaving on Sunday to Helsinki, and from there they're going through Denmark to ehh.. somewhere. And eventually they're going back to Laguna Beach. We're supposed to go visit them next summer in CA. That would be quite cool. Pretty much only problem for me is that I'd kinda not like to be apart from Siim that much - if we were to go there, it wouldn't make sense to go unless we were staying for a couple of weeks, cause the flight is really quite expensive. Three weeks atleast. Mari and Maija would probably prefer to be there a month atleast. And yeah I know - I should get used to not being with Siim all the time, and besides there's msn and webcam. And besides - it's a whole year away still, so I shouldn't stress about it yet.
Dune - Heat !!! WOOOO
I don't know if this "blog" of mine can even be considered a proper blog - I think it's rather like a internet diary, because I won't necissarily adress lots of recent issues in the news or anything like that.
Oh yeah, the boat trip. I was supposed to write about that. Anyway - the same day the lawyer came here, Erkki and Maggie were gonna go on an overnight boat trip with Erkki's cousin Timo, and they asked if we wanted to come. Mari said no, I said yes, and Maija kinda was at work and was gonna be the next day as well - so she wasn't asked. Anyway, the first thing we did was to go to Urheilu Koskimies, a store that sells all kinds of sports related equipment. Erkki bought a tent which cost only 59e (Mari's gonna take it to Belgium cause it's a 3-person tent, and they're gonna use it at Pukkelpop [where I can't come. grr.], two inflatable sleeping matresses and a camping hammock. We drove to Joutseno (about 30 mins from Lappeenranta) where Timo's boat was. In addition to us three, there was Timo's fiancée, Timo's friend and his two kids - a little boy and an even littler girl (ages maybe liek 10 and 8). The boat ride took about 3 hours, during which I ate lots and lots and lots of pringles, pretty much drank a whole Pommac light- soda bottle (1,5 L), ate loads of cookies and tried but most of the time failed to read my book. It was a very cold day, not very good for chilling on the dock. Anyway, we got to this island - actually a strip of islands separated just by very shallow water - you could walk from island to another without getting your shorts wet.
Hehe I put on my corset now, it's under my shirt - i'm gonna go shopping like this.
Well I took it off now cause its too hot today. I'd die.
The island. It was really nice. When we came there me, Erkki and Maggie put up the tent and Erkki and Maggie blew air into the mattresses. We put our sheets and sleeping bags into place cause it was better to do it before dark. There were lots of other people, lots of boats, there as well. I think we were the only ones sleeping in a tent, cause everyone else just slept in their boats (atleast in the side of the island we were at). The tent was really super easy to assemble and it's pretty much perfect in every other way as well.
Taylor Swift - Love Story !!! You'll be the prince, and i'll be the princess, it's a love story baby just SAY YES
I walked around the island, took me about an hour. It was almost dark already. Everyone else went to the sauna, I called Mari who'd tried to call me 10 times and sent a message that went pretty much like "Fuck fuck fuck did you fucking take the fucking iPod im fucking fat im not going to walk without iPod fuck". I hadn't taken the iPod. I also called Siim to say good night. Then I went to sauna - and it was the best sauna I've ever been to. The air changd really well in there and there was enough space for 8 people to sit at the highest "bench" and it was nicely hot enough and throwing löyly didn't make you suffocate. It was just awesome. The water too was amazing. In contrast to Lappajärvi, you could actually swim when you got a few metres from the quay. The water was lovely - clean, cool and calm (no waves).
I'll post pictures later, cause I gotta go shopping now.
Gossip Girl
serious gossip ain't it
Oh, if you were wondering about the heading, it's cause I gotta keep socks on because my feet are full of lotion cause they're so frustratingly dry. I'd get the floors all greasy if I didn't wear socks. And it's a hot day. So.
keskiviikko 5. elokuuta 2009
Hello, kids
I'm feeling quite drowsy atm. I've spent about three hours in a boat today. I spent most of it at the back of the boat, safely in the sleeping "room" where everybody's stuff was. I couldn't go outside on the deck even though it was a sunny day because of the wind. Just too cold for me. Occasionally Ruusa, the dog, came to chill with me, as well as the little girl Helmi. She was quite cool. I think she was about 8 years old, forgot to ask. More about my island trip tomorrow - now to play Armed with Wings 2
tiistai 4. elokuuta 2009
Pasta La Pizza
Today some lawyer came here in the morning and talked with my uncle Erkki about our grandma's inheritance money taxing. It was sort of amusing how quickly Maija's concentration failed, as she seemed to feel a huge need to move around all the time, offering more coffee to our guest and re-organizing items on the table. I found the conversation fairly interesting. It's nice to realize that you're not so little and ignorant anymore that you wouldn't "get" any of the "adult stuff". Adding to my feeling of grown-uppiness, I cooked myself some rice and made a basic sauce because I was hungry. I can make my own food! Okay I know that doesnt make me an adult.
Recently, the two most important men of my life have lost weight, while I (atleast have the feeling that) I'm gaining some. Yesterday while I saw Siim he told me he's been a bit malnourished because he "can't be bothered to buy/make proper food". When me and Mari came back to Lappeenranta to Maija's appartment it sort of struck me what a skinny cat Kepsa has become (he's probably dropped from overweight to normalweight about now). Luckily I can deal with small weight-gain now better than before perhaps, because yesterday I bought the ultimate self-confidence booster - a corset.
Yesterday I got up at about eight, drank my morning coffee and all that and took a metro from Herttoniemi (we'd spent our night at Matilda's) to the Railway station in Helsinki, from where I walked to the harbour in hopes of meeting Siim right when his boat would arrive at about 9:40. I called him because I could not see any passenger boat that would have arrived anywhere near where I was. I asked Siim to describe what the place he was in looked like so I could figure out where the hell he was. Turned out that I was completely in the wrong place. After an hour or so plus kilometres of walking, me having blistered my feet (for I had placed too much weight on the front of my feet because I had broken the skin on my heels due to excess dryness) we found eachother.
We visited some recycling center, where we found all kinds of handy stuff, for example this:

..which I atleast find hilarious (it's a chopping board, y'get it?). I
also bought a (left handed..) pint with a picture of a viking on it, three shot glasses, chop stick (two pairs) and a cheese-slicer.
Then we headed on towards the center of Helsinki to find some food for the now-even-thinner-than-his-usual-skinny-self Siim (he had his mind set on getting a burger), but stumbled across a market where I just _had to check out all the cheap clothes and other crap there. I found nothing too interesting, but bought a Marilyn Monroe- postcard from a lady who ended up recommending I go see Madonna in Tallinn.
Me and Siim then found our way to a MacDonalds in Forum shopping center. Siim had a Big Mac menu and I counted his calories for him (Burger 495, Coke 170, Fries 470 = Total 1135 if I remember correctly). Then we went to get ice-cream (I had a "Totally Black" - liquorice and salmiakki flavour, and Siim had a normal Puffet). Then I bought my corset from morticia, where me and Siim were *cough* by far most goth people there. The sales-chick was really friendly and helped me put on the corset. It cost 69 euros. I'm not sure what size it is - the price tag said 22 inch 56cm, but the washing info tag on the corset itself said 20 inch 51cm. It looks like this:

At some point we went to UFF where we met Mari and Matilda, and decided we'd meet at the railway station at 19:40 (train left at 20:12). Me and Siim ate two more ice creams per person, chilled, and did nothing. We also ate sandwiches at some point. It was a very nice and chill day. I love you Siim.
Aargh I'm feeling great stress about my geography project, for which I haven't even found a good topic. I don't want to do a 10 minute presentation on the increase in Russian tourism to Lappeenranta or aging population in Lappeenranta, because I just cannot see how I can be bothered to do such huge effort to research all that crap and structure all the info so that it's compressed to the minimum while being comprehensive about the subject. I don't know how I could scrape up enough info to fill 10 minutes about things like The Sand Castle in Lappeenranta, or the possibility of an Energy Park being built in Lappeenranta. I think I'm just gonna do a presentation on the renovation of Valtakatu.
Well that's about it for now.
To be continued.
Recently, the two most important men of my life have lost weight, while I (atleast have the feeling that) I'm gaining some. Yesterday while I saw Siim he told me he's been a bit malnourished because he "can't be bothered to buy/make proper food". When me and Mari came back to Lappeenranta to Maija's appartment it sort of struck me what a skinny cat Kepsa has become (he's probably dropped from overweight to normalweight about now). Luckily I can deal with small weight-gain now better than before perhaps, because yesterday I bought the ultimate self-confidence booster - a corset.
Yesterday I got up at about eight, drank my morning coffee and all that and took a metro from Herttoniemi (we'd spent our night at Matilda's) to the Railway station in Helsinki, from where I walked to the harbour in hopes of meeting Siim right when his boat would arrive at about 9:40. I called him because I could not see any passenger boat that would have arrived anywhere near where I was. I asked Siim to describe what the place he was in looked like so I could figure out where the hell he was. Turned out that I was completely in the wrong place. After an hour or so plus kilometres of walking, me having blistered my feet (for I had placed too much weight on the front of my feet because I had broken the skin on my heels due to excess dryness) we found eachother.
We visited some recycling center, where we found all kinds of handy stuff, for example this:
..which I atleast find hilarious (it's a chopping board, y'get it?). I
also bought a (left handed..) pint with a picture of a viking on it, three shot glasses, chop stick (two pairs) and a cheese-slicer.
Then we headed on towards the center of Helsinki to find some food for the now-even-thinner-than-his-usual-skinny-self Siim (he had his mind set on getting a burger), but stumbled across a market where I just _had to check out all the cheap clothes and other crap there. I found nothing too interesting, but bought a Marilyn Monroe- postcard from a lady who ended up recommending I go see Madonna in Tallinn.
Me and Siim then found our way to a MacDonalds in Forum shopping center. Siim had a Big Mac menu and I counted his calories for him (Burger 495, Coke 170, Fries 470 = Total 1135 if I remember correctly). Then we went to get ice-cream (I had a "Totally Black" - liquorice and salmiakki flavour, and Siim had a normal Puffet). Then I bought my corset from morticia, where me and Siim were *cough* by far most goth people there. The sales-chick was really friendly and helped me put on the corset. It cost 69 euros. I'm not sure what size it is - the price tag said 22 inch 56cm, but the washing info tag on the corset itself said 20 inch 51cm. It looks like this:
At some point we went to UFF where we met Mari and Matilda, and decided we'd meet at the railway station at 19:40 (train left at 20:12). Me and Siim ate two more ice creams per person, chilled, and did nothing. We also ate sandwiches at some point. It was a very nice and chill day. I love you Siim.
Aargh I'm feeling great stress about my geography project, for which I haven't even found a good topic. I don't want to do a 10 minute presentation on the increase in Russian tourism to Lappeenranta or aging population in Lappeenranta, because I just cannot see how I can be bothered to do such huge effort to research all that crap and structure all the info so that it's compressed to the minimum while being comprehensive about the subject. I don't know how I could scrape up enough info to fill 10 minutes about things like The Sand Castle in Lappeenranta, or the possibility of an Energy Park being built in Lappeenranta. I think I'm just gonna do a presentation on the renovation of Valtakatu.
Well that's about it for now.
To be continued.
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