As I complained in my previous blog, school wears me out completely.
That's why I sleep 11 hour nights during weekends. The only thing really that i love about my new timetable (which by the way sucks like hell, I'm gonna post a picture soon) is that my school starts at 10:10 on mondays. I get a nice soft start to the week after my weekend sleeping rhythm shift.
Now to some awesome games I've played recently:
FrontierFuck yeah. I played this for like four hours last thursday, and the next day in sports (first lesson) I kept telling Sophie how cool it was cause i had like NaN gold so I could buy all these weapons and like invade these castles and beat up pirates and shiz.
Well anyway, it's really a great game - gotta strategize and have patience quite alot (if you're not siim, who goes around buying narcotics even though he's an Enforcer and gets fucking 40k within first hour of playing...) cause it is a very long game. In fact you can't really finish it. Unless I guess you capture all 50 castles. It's very worth a go. Great waste of time.
Thrusday, on our walk:
Me: "I kinda woulda wanted to stay at home a bit longer and play frontier some more"
Siim: "Yeah me too kinda."
Bad:- Gets stuck if after a fight or anything really you press "Go" when the info "squares" haven't stopped moving - if you encounter something (playing at 20x speed this happens) while the blocks are still moving, all the Flee/Surrender/Attack/Allow- buttons just don't appear. Especially annoying when you're eg. an enforcer trying to deliver a secret package (guild quest)
I don't really know if it's still a problem, some person commented about it on jmtb02's user page so maybe he's fixed it. Well. Whatever.
Platform racing 2I've never tried platform racing 1. I haven't even bothered to search it, pretty much cause Platform racing 2 is so awesome.
Good:- I can play against Siim hahaa (or anyone else really), cause it's multiplayer.
- Addictive
- You can
win stuff, like body parts to modify your character
Bad:- Kinda slow sometimes
- Annoying when trying to play level people keep pulling out and whatever.
- Campaign levels are the only ones pretty much where there is anyone you can play against (or, where you can get points to improve rank by beating other people), so the levels get kinda boring.

I'm gameloading, and I usually play at Fitz. Just fo yo info.
Power TankGood:- Simple gameplay, simple graphics
- Rather addictive (I don't know whether I should put being addictive as a good or bad quality in games..)
- Has upgrades and shiz - doesn't get boring
Bad:- Ability to get upgrades decreases like hell at some point - when you gotta kill 320 enemies until you get an upgrade the game becomes quite impossible
- Gets a bit monotonic
- Starts running slow as more enemies enter the screen
Good game though, worth a shot
CanabaltGood:- Just awesome.
Bad:- Windows can be hard to jump into.