My groundedness ended on friday, or basically last week in the middle already - my nine line isn't strict and i get to come home at twelve on saturdays and fridays.
I didn't go out though on friday or saturday. On friday I stayed at siim's and we watched bullshit and so on, messed about doing nothing. Yesterday we went to Quick in the evening and walked to siim's and hmm watched some more bullshit.

Penn & Teller FTW
Today I read Vänrikki Stål. Finished both parts. Fuck yeah. Boring stuff (sorry, Runeberg)
Tomorrow gotta go to school earlier than i'd usually need to on mondays cause i gotta do this fill-in sheet for Finnish about Vänrikki Stål (how exciting..) and gotta do a bit of maths.
The maths test on thursday wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it'd be. We only had two questions which were super easy, we finished the test early so we did corrections and tsa da dam, i should get a ten. Quite nice considering that the day before I had a nervous breakdown and I was sobbing and screaming on the flood yelling "I DON'T UNDERSTAND! I'M GONNA FAIL THE MATHS BAC! I'M NOT GONNA GET INTO IMPERIAL!!". Siim showed me yesterday a math BAC they'd got - it didn't seem hard at all.
My obsession during the past week has been pistachio (or pistache?) ice cream. I wanted it since monday, when for some reason it came up during the history lesson. Finally on thursday I had time to go buy some from delhaize. Dad and Johanna ate like half of it and then dad went and bought a new package :D. Yarr. Ice cream is awesome.

Anyway. I'm still plat plat PLATFOOOORM racing almost every single day. Rank 19 now. Beat that, kids!

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